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Ключевые слова: FCL inductive

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Joo J., Bae D.K., Ko T.K., Kang H.(maglev@yonsei.ac.kr), Ahn M.C., Kim Y.K., Kim J.H., Yoon Y.S.(ysyoon@ansantc.ac.kr)

Design, fabrication and testing of superconducting DC reactor for 1.2 kV/80 A inductive fault current limiter

Nishizawa C., Onishi T., Sasaki K.(ksasaki@eng.hokudai.ac.jp)

Test results and analysis of current limiting characteristics in conduction cooled Bi2223 fault current limiter

Matsumura T., Yokomizu Y., Goto M., Murayama N., Shimizu H.(hshimizu@nuee.nagoya-u.ac.jp)

A study on required volume of superconducting element for flux flow resistance type fault current limiter

Ключевые слова: FCL inductive, HTS, numerical analysis, power equipment

Lee S., Han B., Choi H., Lim S.(dolphine@shinbiro.com), Kang H.(joshmoses@hanmail.net)

Current limiting characteristics of flux-lock type high-T/sub C/ superconducting fault current limiter with control circuit for magnetic field

Miyato Y.(miyato@energy.kyoto-u.ac.jp), Taguchi M.(taguchi@energy.kyoto-u.ac.jp), Hatta H.(hatta@asc.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp), Shirai Y.(shirai@energy.kyoto-u.ac.jp), Shiotsu M.(shiotsu@energy.kyoto-u.ac.jp), Muroya S.(muroya@asc.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)), Chiba M.(chiba@asc.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp), Nitta T.(nitta@asc.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

Over-voltage suppression in a fault current limiter by a ZnO varistor

Kozak S.(slawko@eltecol.pol.lublin.pl), Janowski T.(tadeuszj@eltecol.pol.lublin.pl), Malinowski H.(henmal@eltecol.pol.lublin.pl), Wojtasiewicz G.(grzegorz@eltecol.pol.lublin.pl), Kondratowicz-Kucewicz B.(beatak@@eltecol.pol.lublin.pl), Kozak J.(januszk@eltecol.pol.lublin.pl)

Properties comparison of superconducting fault current limiters with closed and open core

Zhang G.(zhanggqi@tsinghua.edu.cn), Wang Z.(wzj@mail.eea.tsinghua.edu.cn), Qiu M.(qiuming@mail.iee.ac.cn)

The improved magnetic shield type high Tc superconducting fault current limiter and the transient characteristic simulation

Zhang G.(zhanggqi@tsinghua.edu.cn), Wang Z.(wzj@mail.eea.tsinghua.edu.cn), Qiu M.

The feasibility study on the combined equipment between micro-SMES and inductive/electronic type fault current limiter

Ключевые слова: FCL inductive, SMES, modeling, power equipment

Modeling of the magnetic field diffusion in the high-Tc superconducting tube for fault current limitation

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